The New Mind
by Luxor Mack | Jan 9, 2021 | Intelligence | 0 |
The question facing the global population of planet earth is: Are you prepared for what is to...
Read MorePlanetary Dwellers
by Luxor Mack | Oct 13, 2019 | The New Day - 5D | 0 |
Dear Planetary Dwellers, It is twenty years or more that we first signalled the melting of the...
Read MoreJesu Speaks on Emissaries of Love
by Luxor Mack | Sep 27, 2019 | Return of Jesu | 0 |
We, the suns/sons of the Divine Mother, invite you to let go of past hurts and make preparation to...
Read MoreFire and Ice
by Luxor Mack | Sep 13, 2019 | Return of Jesu | 0 |
Two thousand years ago as a divine entity charged with a mission from greater energy I spoke...
Read MoreThe Call carries the Promise gifted by the Rose
by Luxor Mack | Sep 13, 2019 | The New Day - 5D | 0 |
Within each person is a mutated growth of dormant repression. It is symbolized as a rosebud...
Read MoreReturn Of Jesu
by Luxor Mack | Aug 14, 2019 | Return of Jesu | 0 |
So the Return of Jesu is being proclaimed The innate self nominated as soul is in a state of...
Read MorePrelude to the Fifth Dimension
by Luxor Mack | Jul 25, 2019 | The New Day - 5D | 0 |
Let us say that we have journeyed here from beyond the sun and what humans are now set to...
Read MoreSpirit in Wholeness
by Luxor Mack | Mar 11, 2019 | The New Day - 5D | 0 |
The melody of the New Day is upon us. The rearranging of the planet and its people moves into its...
Read MoreThe Mystery of Life
by Luxor Mack | Aug 19, 2018 | The New Day - 5D | 0 |
The Mystery of Life Explained Man marches eternally To the timeless beat of drum Yet Love is...
Read MoreThe Torch of Intelligence
by WE, Who are beyond Memory | Apr 17, 2015 | Intelligence | 0 |
Here is a channelled message shared within our small grouping last night. It is relevant to what...
Read MoreThe Bigger Picture
by WE, Who are beyond Memory | Feb 9, 2015 | Intelligence | 0 |
Professed reality as expressed scientifically is situational. Therefore it can be moved on or...
Read MoreWE, Who are beyond Memory
by WE, Who are beyond Memory | Feb 6, 2015 | The New Day - 5D | 0 |
“Sounds of the Universe” Through adaptive prescient capabilities ‘WE Who Are Beyond...
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